Brand statement

We feel —
the preciousness of life through agriculture.

Agriculture was created to sustain life.
Therefore, it is the root of civilization.

We grow —
leaders in the field, and the future of agriculture.

“Our lives must be used in the service of others and the world.”
Following the words of our founder, we grow, both individually and as a group. We face the challenges in agriculture, improving ourselves along with our motivated farmers, helping shape agriculture into a magnificent industry.

We connect —
the joy of agriculture to the people, the community, and to the future.

Farming is an essential job that provides vitality to the people and the community, from the small seed to the finished product on every day's table. We are grateful to be involved in this industry, taking the role of connecting it's bounty to future generations.


Founding principle

We take joy in being helpful to our customers and society.
With gratitude and honesty, we do our best at every day's labor.

Mission Statement

Gratitude for life, cultivating life.

"Agriculture" is cultivating life to sustain life.
While being aware that we are partaking in the labor of life,
we work for the welfare of our customers, employees, and everyone involved.
We give our best effort to ensure the growth of all employees,
delivering the best technologies and products to consumers.

Management Philosophy

We support the lives and growth of each employee,
aiming to provide a rewarding job.
We help our customers and the community,
contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.